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Humanitarian Engineering Book

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Edition 3:

Matlab code used for simulations: Downloading the book above also provides code for simulation results shown in the book and for homework problems.

Supplementary documents: Downloading the book above also provides some documents referred to in the book (e.g., ones used in homework problems and listed in the bibliography) that can be obtained on the web, but are gathered here for your convenience.

Changes made to Edition 2 to create Edition 3:

  • General: Edits and clarifications throughout, fixed typos and broken links, some reorganization, coverage of key points from a range of new bibliographic references, added more homework problems.  Changed the book subtitle to more accurately describe the current Edition contents. Provided a more up-to-date cover photo.  In Chapter 4, added a section on Schein’s perspective on helping. Put in new introductions and conclusion sections for each chapter.
  • Supplements: Added a new part at the end of the book holding supplements with sections from the 2nd Edition and new sections entitled "Questions for Discussion," "Appropriate Technology Assignment," and "Teaching a Course From This Book."
  • Class-tested a third time, Spring 2016 semester at OSU.

Changes made to Edition 1 to create Edition 2:

  • Chapter 1: Added more on environment and sustainability
  • Chapter 2: Added a bit more on religious views of social justice
  • Chapter 3: Added health and education perspectives on development and a section on society, technological change, and development
  • Chapter 4: Expanded participatory development treatment, community assessment, and evaluation/selection of projects/technologies.  Added STEM education program for sustainable development, model and analysis of cooperative management of community technology, and community dynamics simulation and analysis.
  • Chapters 1-3: Added models and analysis of the tragedy of the commons, environmental justice, and management of the commons. 
  • Put all files in Latex, created one .pdf for the book.
  • Class tested a second time, Spring 2015 semester at OSU.

Edition 1: 

  • Spring 2014, 402 pages, released May 15, 2014

